Events Calendar
Donations may not be sold.
Donations received through CONASUPO cannot be sold, bartered, or exchanged. We protect our donors by strictly enforcing this policy and expect all partners and community members to comply. Violations should be reported.
CONASUPO thoroughly investigates complaints, taking legal action when necessary. We work with law enforcement and may terminate partnerships if guidelines are violated.
Violating this policy affects everyone, as donors may stop providing essential supplies for children and families. To report violations, contact Community Partner Assessment & Security at 408-665-2539.
Ways We Help
Furthering our cause is the most important goal of our organization. We seek to support, empower, and provide high quality resources to our community. Our success is measured by the number of community members that are eating healthier and not worried about their next meal.
Providing education alternatives
The Future Looks Bright
Sharing grant information with community members